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Selling & Pricing Creativity in Agencies

Let's explore a new model for getting paid what you're worth.

Selling & Pricing Creativity in Agencies
Tid og sted
  • Dato
  • 09. januar 2025
  • Starttidspunkt
  • Kl. 16.00
  • Sluttidspunkt
  • Kl. 17.00
  • Medlemmer
  • Gratis for medlemmer
  • Øvrige
  • 750 kr.

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Frist og information
  • Tilmeldingsfrist
  • 08. januar 2025
  • Status
  • Ledige pladser

Marie Raun Thøgersen
Marie Raun Thøgersen

In this webinar, author and consultant Blair Enns will join us from Canada and share some of the frameworks from his books The Four Conversations: A New Model for Selling Expertise and Pricing Creativity: A Guide to Profit Beyond the Billable Hour to help you capture more of the value you create for your clients. 

He'll show you how to raise your average proposal value while spending less time pitching or writing lengthy proposals. 

In the Amazon best-selling The Win Without Pitching Manifesto, Blair Enns provides a new model for those who must sell their expertise before they deliver it.

In this webinar you will learn three simple rules and an easy-to-implement framework for getting paid more. 

Blair Enns is the founder of Win Without Pitching, the training program that for 20 years has helped creatives and other expert advisors and practitioners to sell and price like experts they are. He is the author of three books on selling and pricing:

The Four Conversations: A New Model for Selling Expertise (Gegen Press, Nov. 2024)
Pricing Creativity: A Guide to Profit Beyond the Billable Hour (Gegen Press, 2018)
The Win Without Pitching Manifesto (Gegen Press, 2010) 
Blair lives in Kaslo, BC Canada and lectures widely throughout the world. Learn more at winwithoutpitching.com.

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